Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hans Jenny, born 7 February 1899 in Basel, Switzerland,
had a career that spanned nearly 70 years,
ending only with his death on 9 January 1992.

...Jenny eventually took courses from Georg Wiegner in
agricultural chemistry, an exposure that shifted his interests
toward colloid chemistry and a postgraduate
degree. Most notably, Jenny was attracted to Wiegner
because he ‘‘expounded on principles, concepts, and
ideas, rather than practical recipes.’’

In 1923, Jenny received his diploma in agriculture,
and approached Wiegner about research in soil chemistry.
Wiegner responded by insisting that Jenny first
acquire a more solid foundation in chemistry.
Wiegner was widely famous, and attracted students
and postdoctoral scholars from across Europe as well
as from overseas. Soon, Jenny became Wiegner’s chief
assistant in soil and colloid chemistry. In contrast to
Wiegner’s laboratory interests, Jenny began to spend
weekends in the field, collecting and subsequently
analyzing soil samples...

Jenny’s views on the aesthetic value of soils:

‘Soil appeals to my senses. I like to dig in it and work it
with my hands. I enjoy doing the soil-texture feel test
with my fingers or kneading a clay soil, which is a short
step from ceramics or sculpture. Soil has a pleasant
smell. I like to sit on bare, sun-drenched ground and
take in the fragrance of soil. As yet, neither touch nor
smell sensations have been accorded aesthetic recognition,
but colors delight painters, photographers, and
writers, as well as you and me. In loess country, plowed
fields on slopes show wide bands of attractive color
gradations from dark browns to light yellows, caused
by erosion of the surface soil. Warm brownish colors
characterize fields and roofs in Cezanne’s landscape
paintings of southern France, and radiant red soils of
the tropics dominate canvasses of Gauguin and Portinari.
Soil profiles viewed in pits may reveal vivid color
and structure patterns of layers or horizons. I have seen
so many delicate shapes, forms, and colors in soil
profiles that, to me, soils are beautiful.’

Cited from:

R Amundson, University of California–Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, USA
2004, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Introduction to Soil Science

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Note: Sorry presentation moves too slow! Will improve soon..



2006 Ph.D., Mycotoxicology, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences Ehime University / Kagawa University Japan

Thesis: Evaluation and application of analytical methods for aflatoxins in foods and herbal medicines from Southeast Asia

2003 Research student, Kagawa University Japan
Subject: Compound pollution of mycotoxin

1998 MSc., Agriculture (Mycotoxicology), Kagawa University Japan
Thesis: Study on the natural occurrence of carcinogenic mycotoxins in foods from Southeast Asia

1995 Research student, Kagawa University Japan
Subject: Research on mycotoxins contaminating foods

1984 BSc.(Hons), Chemistry, University Kebangsaan Malaysia
Thesis: Lead contents in newspapers

1980 Matriculation UKM

1978 Sek. Men. Sultan Abd. Halim Kedah

1984 - 2008 Chemist, Chemistry Department Malaysia

1. Norhayati Ali, Sardjono, Akihiro Yamashita and Takumi Yoshizawa;
Natural co-occurrence of aflatoxins and Fusarium mycotoxins (fumonisins, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol and zearalenone) in corn from Indonesia, Jr. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15, 1998, 377-384

2. Norhayati Ali, Noor Hasani Hashim and Takumi Yoshizawa; Evaluation and application of a simple and rapid method for the analysis of aflatoxins in commercial foods from Malaysia and the Philippines, Jr. Food Additives and Contaminants, 16, 1999, 273- 280

3. Hong-Ping Gao, Norhayati Ali, Chawarlet Trikarunasawat, Prawat Tanboon-Ek and Takumi Yoshizawa; Fumonisins and aflatoxins in feed corn from Thailand, Technical Bulletin Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, 49, 1997, 189-197

4. Norhayati Ali and Takumi Yoshizawa; Evaluation and application of a simple and rapid method for the analysis of aflatoxins in commercial foods, Poster presentation at 4th China-Japan International Congress of Mycology in Zhuhai, Cina, July 17-19, 1998

5. Norhayati Ali; Aflatoxin in Malaysian Food, Workshop International Symposium of Mycotoxin in Chiba Japan, Sept. 1999

6. Norhayati Ali; Aflatoxin in Malaysian Food, Jr of Mycotoxins, Jan 2000, 31-35

7. Suwiwek Liporngonson, Norhayati Ali and Takumi Yoshizawa; Limited survey for aflatoxin contamination of polished rice imported into Japan, Jr of Mycotoxins, 2003, 53, 95-101

8. Norhayati Ali and Noor Hasani Hashim; Mycotoxin research in Malaysia, International Symposium of Mycotoxicology in Kagawa, Nov. 2003

9. Norhayati Ali and Noor Hasani Hashim; Mycotoxin research in Malaysia, Proceedings. In New Horizon of Mycotoxicology for Assuring Food Safety; Yoshizawa, T., Kumagai, S., Goto, T., Eds.; Japanese Association of Mycotoxicology: Tokyo, Japan, pp. 175-183175-183

10. Bahruddin Saad, Ikenna Alphonse Osisi, Muhammad Idiris Saleh, Norziah Mohd Hani, Ahamad Abu, Noor Hasani Hashim and Norhayati Ali; Determination of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in traditional medicines. ASEAN Food Journal, 2004, Vol. 13(1), 41-51

11. Norhayati Ali, Noor Hasani Hashim, Baharuddin Saad, Khalid Safan, Masahiro Nakajima and Takumi Yoshizawa; Evaluation of a method to determine the natural occurrence of aflatoxins in commercial traditional herbal medicines from Malaysia and Indonesia, Food and Chemical Toxicology, vol. 43, 2005, 1763-1772

12. Norhayati Ali, Noor Hasani Hashim and Takumi Yoshizawa; Natural co-occurrence of aflatoxins and OTA in processed spices marketed in Malaysia. 58th Meeting of Japanese Association of Mycotoxicology, Sapporo Convention Center, Sept. 2005

13. Norhayati Ali and Abd. Ghani Abu Samah; Sustainable Networking for Mycotoxin Inspection in Asia - A Country Report of Malaysia, Follow-up Seminar on JICA Group Training on Mycotoxin Inspection in Food, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 2006.

14. Norhayati Ali, Noor Hasani Hashim, Chew Bee Yan and Bahruddin Saad; Determination of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2 in animal feeds by HPLC using a multifunctional clean-up, poster presentation at the International Symposium of Mycotoxicology in Bangkok, Thailand, Dec 2006.



Menerima dan menghayati amanah tanggungjawab dan cabaran tugas sebagai pendidik di UPSI untuk memenuhi Falsafah Pendidikan Guru dan Falsafah Pendidikan Negara bagi memberi ilmu yang bermanafaat dan berkekalan

Memahami dan menghayati sejarah pendidikan di Malaysia khasnya penglibatan UPSI dalam pendidikan negara supaya dapat diinsafi dan dihargai

Membina dan menambah kepakaran dalam subjek pengajaran

Menjana subjek pengajaran menjadi medium penerokaan ilmu (learning is fun!)

Membudayakan minat penyelidikan di sepanjang pengajaran


Falsafah Pendidikan Guru

Bagi mencapai cita-cita Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan maka Falsafah Pendidikan Guru telah dibentuk yang antaranya juga bermatlamat ke arah pembentukan akhlak yang mulia.

"Guru yang berpekerti mulia, berpandangan progresif dan saintifik, bersedia menjunjung aspirasi negara serta menyanjung warisan kebudayaan negara, menjamin perkembangan individu dan memelihara suatu masyarakat yang bersatu padu, demokratik progresif dan berdisiplin" (Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2001).

Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan Falsafah Pendidikan Guru bermatlamat ke arah pembentukan akhlak mulia, yang juga selaras dengan tuntutan firman Allah dan hadis berikut:

"Dan sesungguhnya, kamu (Muhammad saw) benar-benar memiliki akhlak yang agung" (Maksud Al-Qur 'an 68:4).

"Sesungguhnya aku telah diutus untuk menyempurnakan akhlak yang mulia"
(Maksud sabda Rasulullah saw dlm, 'Ali Muttaqi, 1989, jld. 3, ms. 6).

Maka proses pembentukkan akhlak generasi muda negara kita masa kini dan generasi masa depan terpikul di atas bahu para pendidik...

Sumber: Masaalah Pendidikan 2005, Universiti Malaya